Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Journal #1

Each journal entry must contain three sections:

1) A brief description of the service learning activities you completed the week before.

2) A section describing course concepts that you observed or were able to apply during those service learning activities.

3) A guided topic, as directed for each entry.

Guided topic for journal entry # 1:

First, briefly describe your service learning organization, the population served by your organization, the type(s) of work you will do there. Why did you choose the service learning option? What are your goals for this project, and how will you know when you have met those goals?

Next, describe your initial impression of the population served by your service organization. To what factors did you attribute their needs for those services? To what factors do they attribute their own needs for those services? Have your impressions changed since then? Why or why not?
Have you seen examples of the fundamental attribution error during your service learning activities? Explain.

In what ways do the clientele of your service learning organization engage in impression management? Are these behaviors beneficial or harmful? Explain. Describe the ways in which you have engaged in impression management during your service learning activities.

How might your first day of service have been different if you’d known what you now know about social perception?

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